I got a call one day that went something like this:
Chris: "Hello?"
"Hey, you wanna go skydiving?"
"Yeaaah... who is this?"
"This is Ivy!"
"Uh, skydiving?"
"Yep, Jane found out that with our guide licenses we get a big discount at Skydive Moab, so a bunch of us are going. You coming?"
"Heck yeah!"
So, I went skydiving! We drove out to the Moab airport and met up with our other friends -- Jane, Lexy, Clinton, Cody, Joe, and Morgan. We watched some educational and safety videos and then headed out to the hanger. Two of us could jump at a time with two tandem instructors. So we put on those goofy looking "jump"suits and waited our turn.
Ivy and I waiting in the hanger.
The guy that I jumped with was Ben. He had a hardcore mohawk.
In the plane almost ready to jump.
Then, at 10,000 feet, they opened the door. I focused on the picture taped to the plane wall in front of me. Suddenly, Ivy and her instructor were gone. Ben tapped me and yelled, "Our turn!" We crab-crawled over to the door and let our legs dangle almost 2 miles above the ground. "Put your feet on the step over the wheel!" A push came from behind and we were wildly spinning through the air! The feeling is completely indescribable, like nothing I've ever felt before. It was terrifying and radically exciting at the same time--I wasn't sure if I should scream or laugh (not that I could anyway at 120mph). It was the biggest adrenaline rush I have ever had, and I don't think anything can top it.
After about 30 seconds (it seemed shorter) Ben pulled the chute. We glided and he let me steer with the lines so we spun around. It was awesome!

We landed and I ran over to Ivy. She was as white as the clouds we just flew through. "Woah, are you alright?" She leaned over and breathed deeply for a moment. "Yeah, just the flight up there was kinda crazy. Maybe I should take dramamine next time. After she felt better, we couldn't stop talking about how awesome it was. I would do it again, but even with the guide discount, it's pretty expensive.
My advice: