The second day of our backpacking trip, Joe and I decided to climb Kings Peak, the highest peak in Utah at 13,528 ft. From our camp it was 10.5 miles, so we started at 4:45 a.m. the next day. We sped up to Anderson Pass, the base of the mountain, in about 5 hours!

From there to the peak was another 6,348 ft, and the trail disappeared into huge boulders we had to scramble. At the top we rewarded ourselves with a freeze-dried ice cream bar and 2 chocolate Reisens.

On the way back, we were sore and exhausted. Joe's like, "I know how we hiked here so fast. It was the oatmeal we ate for breakfast. I had three packs of that stuff." I looked up and grinned. "I had five." Later we stopped to take a look at Joe's foot, it was killing him (he forgot the insoles to his hiking boots). As he peeled off his sock he yelled in pain. You can see why:
At the end of the video, it's shaking because I'm laughing so hard.
We rolled into camp at around 4:30 p.m. after hiking 21 miles, and I didn't even bother to take off my stinky sweaty clothes. I crashed until it started raining later that night. Despite being very strenuous, it was one of the funnest hikes I've been on.

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